Responsible Computing Policy

Responsible Computing Policy

In support of its mission of teaching, research and public service, the International Dublin University provides access to computing and information resources for students and staff, within institutional priorities and financial capabilities.


The Policy for Responsible Computing at the International Dublin University contains the governing philosophy for regulating staff and student use of the University's computing resources. It spells out the general principles regarding appropriate use of equipment, software and networks. By adopting this policy, the Academic Council recognises that all members of the University are also bound by local, national and international laws relating to copyrights, security and other statutes regarding electronic media. The policy also recognises the responsibility of academic staff and system administrators to take a leadership role in implementing the policy and assuring that the University community honours the policy.


All Members of the University community who use the University's computing and information resources must act responsibly.
All users and system administrators must guard against abuses that disrupt or threaten the viability of systems, including those at the University and those on networks to which the University's systems are connected.

Every user is responsible for the integrity of these resources. All users of University-owned or University-leased computing systems must respect the rights of other computing users, respect the integrity of the physical facilities and controls and respect all pertinent license and contractual agreements. It is the policy of the International Dublin University that all members of its community act in accordance with these responsibilities, relevant laws and contractual obligations and the highest standard of ethics.

Access to the University's computing facilities is a privilege granted to University staff and students. The University reserves the right to limit, restrict or extend computing privileges and access to its information resources.

Data owners - whether academic departments, administrative departments or students - may allow individuals other than University staff and students access to information for which

they are responsible, so long as such access does not violate any license or contractual agreement, University policy, or any national or international law. The data owner must also take account of the applicant's need to know, the sensitivity of the information and the risk of damage to, or loss by the University, should the information be misused.

University computing facilities and accounts are to be used for the University-related activities for which they are assigned. This policy applies equally to all University-owned or University-leased computers.

Access to information resources without proper authorisation from the data owner, unauthorised use of University computing facilities and intentional corruption or misuse of information resources are direct violations of the University's Code of Conduct for Users of Computing Facilities as outlined in the Calendar of the International Dublin University. Such instances may also be considered civil or criminal offences.


Appropriate University administrators should adopt guidelines for the implementation of this policy within each department and regularly revise these guidelines as circumstances warrant. The Computer Centre shall, from time to time, issue recommended guidelines to assist departments and units with this effort.


Alleged violations of this policy may be dealt with by the University in accordance with such disciplinary codes and/or procedures as are in place, from time to time, in respect of students and/or staff of the University.
Approved by Governing Authority on 13th December 1999. January 2015