General Rules of the University for Students

General Rules of the University
⦁    Student Identity Cards, issued to each student at Registration, shall be carefully retained and produced on demand by any University official or member of the academic staff or properly authorised University employee. A student may be required to submit her/his Student Identity Card to a member of the University security staff who will forward it to the Head of Security for retention over a period that will extend for no more than 48 hours from the time of handing over of the card by the student. If a student fails or refuses to produce his/her Student Identity Card on such demand, he or she may be denied access to any or all University premises and facilities. If the Student’s Identity Card is lost he/she should immediately inform the Student Records Office. A replacement may be issued on payment of a fee.
⦁    A student entered for a course or courses is expected to attend all lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and all other requirements given in each course for which he/she is registered.
⦁    If a student changes his/her address, he/she must notify the Student Records Office as soon as possible.
⦁    A student who wishes to withdraw from the University should before withdrawing, firstly notify the Student Records Office and the Library and secondly return his/her Student Identity Card to the Student Records Office. Students must also advise the Academic Advisory Office, Education House (01 708 3368). Failure to do this could affect later claims regarding fee remission or social welfare entitlements.
⦁    The Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Regulations, prohibit smoking in any part of the buildings of third level educational institutions.
⦁    Motorists and cyclists must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the University’s Mobility and Traffic Management Policy. A general speed limit of 24 kilometres per hour applies on campus. Parking and cycling is prohibited in certain areas of the South Campus, including Saint Joseph’s Square, in the vicinity of the John Paul II library and in such other areas as are indicated on signposts. Bicycles must be left in bicycle racks which are provided in key locations around the campus. Cars must be parked only in the designated University parking areas on campus. Cars parked in such designated car parks must display a valid Parking Permit, which must be purchased at the start of the year. Parking to the front of Stoyte House and Long Corridor and in St. Joseph’s Square is restricted to designated staff and residents of St. Patrick’s College. Motorcycles are not permitted on the South Campus and must be parked in the vicinity of the bicycle racks inside the main gate.
⦁    The University authorities may require a student during his/her period of study at the University to attend a nominated medical practitioner or counsellor. The authorities would require such attendance only where they consider it to be necessary for the safety or well being of the student concerned and/or the safety or well being of another member or members of the University community. In such cases the University authorities will be responsible for the cost of the initial attendance but not in respect of any further attendance for treatment indicated.

⦁    A student may be denied access to any or all University premises or facilities without notice, and for such period of time as the University authorities see fit, in the event that the University authorities consider such exclusion to be necessary in the interests of the safety or well being of that student and/or any other member or members of the University.
⦁    Any accident which occurs on campus must be reported to the University Safety Officer, without undue delay.
⦁    Failure to comply with these rules may result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions (including expulsion, fines, campus service and, in the case of the rule in relation to vehicles, the placing of adhesive stickers on vehicles and clamping).

Code of Discipline for Students

The purpose of a Code of Discipline within Maynooth University is to ensure that the pursuit of the objectives of the University is not disrupted. These objectives are primarily the advancement, promotion, gathering and dissemination of knowledge and understanding through teaching, research, learning, science investigation and rational discussion. To enable these aims to be fulfilled in a satisfactory manner, it is necessary that a suitable academic environment be maintained. A Code of Discipline is a positive thing which promotes concern and respect for other people’s rights and property. This helps to enhance the quality of life for all members of the University community – staff and students. A student who registers for any course in the University will be expected to accept these objectives and to comply with the rules and regulations of the University. A Committee of Discipline exists to help maintain good discipline within the University and its general environs. The Code of Discipline and its implementation is subject to the Statutes of the University and to amendment by the University authorities. The Code of Discipline is subject to review at such intervals and in such manner as the University authorities consider appropriate.

Rules and breaches
The two basic rules of the Code of Discipline shall be:

⦁    Every student is expected and required to respect the rights of fellow students and the authority of the University academic and other staff in the performance of their duties and at all times to observe the criminal laws of the State and the rules and regulations of the University and to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to the academic environment of the University and the promotion of its objectives.
⦁    Every student is expected and required to respect the rights of fellow students in the enjoyment of the facilities of the University, including its clubs and societies, and all privileges in relation to those facilities and to observe applicable rules or regulations in so doing and at all times to respect the property of the University and/or of other students, members of the University staff or other persons working in or visiting the University.

In applying the two basic rules, the Committee of Discipline will normally regard as disciplinary offences any breaches and/or attempted breaches of the criminal laws of the State and/or the University Code of Discipline for Students, whether committed on campus or off campus, including but not limited to:
⦁    Plagiarism, cheating or the use of unauthorised material during an examination or other breaches of Examination Regulations.
⦁    Breaches of the Examination Regulations shall be dealt with directly by such officers of Maynooth University as are specified in those regulations.
⦁    Disruption of teaching, study, research or administration of the University.

⦁    Obstruction of members of the University administrative staff, academic staff, officers, students or servants of the University in the performance of their duties.
⦁    Furnishing false information to the University with intent to deceive or in circumstances calculated to deceive.
⦁    Forging, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records or identity cards. – Intimidation or harassment of any kind, physical abuse or verbal abuse of a defamatory character of another person.
⦁    Malicious or reckless damage or theft of University property or any other property on the University grounds. Misuse of University property including library materials or private property on the campus.
⦁    Forcible occupation of University buildings or grounds.
⦁    Unwarranted interference with the University’s safety equipment, fire fighting equipment, security systems and alarm systems.
⦁    On campus or off campus conduct likely to bring the University into disrepute. This includes in particular any off campus behaviour by students that is a cause of nuisance or disruption to the residents of the town and its estates or to the general public.
⦁    Engaging in activities that contravene the laws of the State and infringe either of the University’s two basic rules of discipline.
⦁    Refusal to produce a Student Identity Card when requested to do so by a University staff member who shall identity himself/herself.
⦁    Failure to pay a fine or comply with a disciplinary sanction imposed for a breach of discipline (subject to any right of appeal applicable).
⦁    A serious failure to comply with the regulations governing the use of University computer services (Code of Conduct for users of Computing Facilities listed below) and Library services which, in the case of a breach of library regulations, has not been dealt with by the Librarian in accordance with the terms of those regulations.

Membership of the committee of discipline
The Committee of Discipline shall comprise:

⦁    The Dean of Teaching and Learning or his/her nominee who shall be the Chair of the Committee of Discipline
⦁    One member of the academic staff elected by the Academic Council
⦁    One academic staff member elected by the Student Assembly prior to 31st October in the year of selection
⦁    The President of the Students’ Union
⦁    One student nominee of the President of the Students Union to be nominated by October 31st in the year of selection.
Each of the academic members is elected for a period of three years. Four members, one at least of whom must be a student, shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Committee of Discipline and the Dean of Teaching and Learning or his/her nominee will act as Chair. Should a meeting duly called fail to be quorate due to student non-attendance, then the postponed meeting held within a reasonable time shall not require the presence of a student member to be quorate provided that four committee members are in attendance. Except as provided below, the deliberations of the Committee will be kept in confidence.

It is open to any staff or student member of the University to report in writing any alleged breach of the Code of Discipline to the Chair of the Committee of Discipline. If an allegation of a serious breach of the Code has been made against a student, the Chair shall have the power to exclude that student from University premises, if he/she deems fit, while the alleged breach is being investigated. The Chair of the Committee of Discipline is empowered to handle summarily what he/she regards as minor

breaches of the Code of Discipline. In cases where the Chair adjudges the alleged breach to be of a serious character he/she shall refer the issue in writing to the Committee of Discipline at the earliest convenient opportunity. An appeal from a decision by the Chair of the Committee of Disciplinary shall be to the Committee of Discipline (excluding the Chair). The appeal procedures shall apply to such an appeal only to the extent relevant. A reasonable effort must be made to inform the student in writing of the alleged breach:
⦁    detailing the nature of the allegation and any grounds on which it has been made;
⦁    informing the student of his/her rights; and
⦁    inviting him/her to attend a meeting of the Committee of Discipline convened to deal with the allegation and to make such representations in relation to the allegation as he or she sees fit.

The student is entitled to have present to assist him/ her at the meeting a representative who is a registered student or a member of the academic or administrative staff of the University. The University or the student in question may have a legal adviser present at the meeting subject to prior notice having been given to the student or the Committee as the case may be. If a student fails to respond to such an invite and/or to present himself or herself at the meeting, the matter may be dealt with in his/her absence. If a member of the Committee of Discipline is a complainant or is otherwise involved in the alleged breach of conduct he/she shall be replaced at the meeting by a nominee of the Chair of the Committee.

The Committee, having considered the allegation, the evidence received in relation to it and any representations made by or on behalf of the student and made such inquiries as it sees fit, shall deliberate in private and shall notify the student of the outcome within three days, where practicable. The Committee shall forward a written report of its handling of any serious breach of conduct to the President and, in the event of an appeal, following the expiry of that appeal, to the Academic Council. Where a Department Head or the Head of Security (hereinafter referred to as “the Relevant Head”) becomes aware of a breach of the Code of Discipline of the type described below, he or she may elect not to refer the breach to the Chair of the Committee and may deal with it in the following manner. The kind of breach of the Code which may be dealt with by the Relevant Head is one where:
⦁    in his/her opinion, the breach is such that it could appropriately be dealt with by the Relevant Head;
⦁    the student has admitted the breach of the rules and confirmed in writing that he or she wishes to have the matter dealt with by the Relevant Head.

The Relevant Head shall promptly inform the Chair of the Committee of Discipline that he or she is dealing with such a breach. The disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed by a Relevant Head are confined to a fine not exceeding €150, campus service up to 12 hours, a reprimand, warning or advice and repay compensation for loss or damage caused. In deciding what disciplinary sanction will apply, the Relevant Head will ensure that the student is informed of the full case against him/her and offer the student an opportunity to explain any mitigating circumstances to the Relevant Head.

A written summary of the facts of and the decision taken in any such case will be supplied to the Chair of the Committee of Discipline. An appeal from a decision by the Relevant Head shall be to the Chair of the Committee of Discipline and the appeal procedures shall apply to such an appeal only to the extent relevant.

Disciplinary sanctions
The Committee of Discipline may impose the following sanctions upon a student who has been found in breach of discipline:

Expulsion – that the student ceases to be a member of the University and that he/she be barred from any property occupied by the University. This sanction shall appear on the student’s record permanently.

Withdrawal – that the student be requested to withdraw from the University permanently or for a stated period or until he/she has complied with requirements laid down by the Committee.

Suspension – that the student be suspended from the University or be barred from certain University activities for a stated period or until he/she has complied with requirements laid down by the Committee.

Fine – that the student be fined a sum determined by the Committee or the Relevant Head.

Campus Service – that the student be required to carry out a period of service on the University campus of a nature and on such terms as are determined by the Committee or the Relevant Head.

Reprimand – that the student be reprimanded and warned that if further breaches of discipline occur in future, his/her present breach would be taken into consideration by the Committee or the Relevant Head when imposing a sanction.

Conditional Discharge – that no further action be taken against the student provided he/she fulfils the conditions laid down by the Committee. The Committee reserves the right to impose conditions involving compensation in the case of damage to property or persons. The Committee may also give an absolute discharge. Save as provided above any sanction imposed shall if the Committee so decides appear on the student’s record for such period of time as the Committee may decide.

Appeal procedure

A student who is aggrieved by a decision of the Committee of Discipline shall have the right of appeal to the President of the University. The President may, at his discretion, decide that an Appeal Committee of three people would deal with the appeal. An Appeal Committee shall consist of two nominees of the President, one of whom must be a member of the academic staff. A third member shall be a student nominated by the President of the Student Union.

The appointment of an Appeal Committee shall be notified to the student in question. No member of the Committee of Discipline which made the appealed decision shall be a member of an Appeal Committee. Appeals must be brought within twenty eight days of the date of service of the original decision. References below to the appellate authority are to the President or, where he decides that an appeal will be dealt with by an Appeal Committee, the Appeal Committee. Appeals will not normally involve a rehearing of the evidence but arrangements must be made for written submissions, appearing in person and/or producing fresh evidence. The student shall convey in writing to the appellate authority the grounds of the appeal and any relevant evidence supportive of the case for appeal. The aggrieved student may also represent his/her case in person to the appellate authority and may be accompanied by a registered student or by a member of the academic or administrative staff of the University. The University or student in question may have a legal adviser present subject to prior notice having been given to student or the appellate authority. The appellate authority may affirm, reverse or vary any decision of the Committee of Discipline, or remit the case to the Committee of Discipline for reconsideration. The decision arrived at through the appeals procedure shall be final.

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